
Breaking News: Mel Kiper Drops OT Andre Smith from Big Board, Adds Him to Really, Really Big Board


The Goodbye Ladies Draft Report can now report that preeminent draft anlayst Mel Kiper, Jr. has dropped Alabama offensive tackle from his "big board" and has added him to his "really, really big board."

"Although Andre Smith looks great on tape, unfortunately, there just wasn't any room for him on the big board--literally." Kiper said. "With 337 pounder B.J. Raji has rising on my big board, Darius Heyward-Bey dropping off the board in favor of linebacker Rey Maualauga, and with Chris "Beanie" Wells ordering a double cheeseburger at lunch instead of a salad, there simply is no room for a 332 pound offenisve tackle with character issues, even if he did dominate in the SEC. Luckily, I had this really, really big board sitting around in my garage and it fits Andre perfectly."

"I haven't had to bring this thing out since Terrell Owens' ego entered the draft in 1996."

Kiper's ESPN colleague, Todd McShay, indicated that no such plans were in the works to remove Andre Smith from Scouts, Inc.'s top 32 lists: "Our top 32 list is large enough to accomodate even the larger NFL prospects, including Andre... I think. Actually, I don't really know--I just show up and talk." McShay said with a characteristically confused look on his face.

Kiper is not the only draft analyst who has had to make adjustments to Smith's girth. Just one week ago, Mike Mayock of NFL Network abandoned plans to feature Smith on his popular "Path to the Draft" feature, and indicated that Smith will appear on a new program: "On the Back of a Flatbed Truck on a Five Lane Expressway to the Draft."


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